Theres no one really similar to Kimi Raikkonen.
The Finn has achieved plenty of success on the best part of 2 decades in the sport – one world championship, 21 wins and 103 podiums – but its the unambiguous style that has gone with his racing that has earned him such a cult globally after.
As the Iceman celebrates his 40th birthday, we remember some of the most famous and fun moments…
Raikkonen revealed he wasnt too knowledgeable about the specific titles of the neighborhood wildlife during practice to the Canadian GP earlier this year…
Fresh from his first F1 victory for over 100 races in last years US GP, Kimi showed he was not entirely on top of the broader permutations as far as the world championship and Lewis Hamilton were worried…
The Iceman famously includes his very own unusual press conference style – as his answer to questions about why he was linking Alfa Romeo perfectly demonstrated!
Which Mercedes has been Kimi Raikkonen in front of in the 2017 Russian GP? It certainly was not the one he believed it was…
A Sky F1 all-time classic featuring Kimi, as he shows our own team he is equally as fast driving an uncompromising lawnmower because hes a pristine F1 car…
Where its possible, create a U-turn. . .Raikkonen must go the long way around because he tries to rejoin the trail in his Lotus during a crazy 2012 GP.
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